Sunday, 27 March 2016

A Concise Review of TF2010 Breacher In 500 Words Or Less

Pricepoint/Vintage: Scout, 2010.
Transformation Style: Shellformer.
Play Patterns: Robot and “Ratel IFV” APC. C clip accessories.
Points of Interest: Complementary mould to Sea Spray of the same year. Altmode is named after the Honey Badger. Possible homage to the Micromaster Groundshaker and his ATV.

The Good
Breacher is a blue badass in both modes with some extremely pleasing design elements. The APC has a fully functional turret, a well-detailed sculpt, and effective paint apps. The robot has a notably good head sculpt, and 15 joints in the right places. 11 of these are balljoints, and the waist is on a swivel for transformation. Both modes benefit immensely from the turret gun, which us on a balljointed C clip. This allows it to be used as a gunhand, the rungs being worked in as knuckle dusters in a nice touch, and allows you to switch it out for other weapons in vehicle mode. He also has C rungs on his forearm panels, which are themselves C clip based, allowing these to be used as shields or replaced with more guns. Its a very complete robot mode, backed up by a solid vehicle form.

The Bad
Those removable panels look unsightly hanging off his arms, and Breacher looks a little unfinished from behind. He lacks fist holes, and the instructions fail to mention that the gun or the vehicle panels are removable, so much of the play value goes unnoticed. My example has a paint blemish on his left thigh, and there's some minor gaps in vehicle mode.

The Mediocre
Almost nothing. Blue isn't an obvious choice for a military APC, but then I've seen this described as a SWAT vehicle.

The Alternatives
Breacher is a toy with a curiously low number of repaints, as one was cancelled. The other is GDO Brawl, whose colour scheme may be more attractive to Treadheads. There were a few militaristic scouts of about the same time, such as the Dune Runner mould, although often not as good, so I'd point you towards Breacher's similarly awesome Decepticon equivalent, Skystalker. However, if all you are looking for is a cool APC, consider Combiner Wars Rook.

The Verdict
Putting aside some vehicle panels in robot mode, Breacher is an ideal scout class transformer. He's crammed with play features, detailing, joints, and personality. The design pushes the edge of what's possible at this size, and while there are some visual weaknesses, this is a class act. Track him down.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

A Concise Review of Combiner Wars Cyclonus (And Galvatronus) In 500 Words Or Less

Pricepoint/Vintage: Voyager, 2015.
Modes: Robot, Cybertronian Space Fighter, Combiner Torso.
Transformation Style: CW voyager, Silverbolt style.
Play Patterns: Robot and vehicle, combiner, 5mm weaponry.
Points of Interest: Extensive retool of Silverbolt. Combined mode looks suspiciously like Starscream in purple.

The Good
As remoulds go this is a quite comprehensive one, and Sliverbolt was a highlight of wave 1. The altmode is surprisingly close to the animation model, giving it a rather different feel than the original, while the robot mode gains a new head and chest. Articulation remains solid at 21 joints. Both forms benefit from two completely unnecessary, but very welcome, wings with 5mm pegs. These add some play value as improvised knives, and further reinforce this is Cyclonus. The combined mode has been reworked too, with a new head and chest.

The Bad
Cyclonus shares the weak vehicle transformation of Silverbolt, with almost the entire robot on the underside of the fighter and a notable backpack in other modes, but there's a new problem. The new head is limited at the neck and there is no panel to conceal the head in other modes, resulting in a hysterical case of Visible Head Syndrome if you neglect to turn it. This toy also comes misassembled, with the vertical fins facing the wrong way, but that's an easy fix. The tolerances seem a bit off on my example, with a removable wing a hair too loose in the ports.

The Mediocre
Cyclonus retains the ungainly gun/shield combo, and has a slightly harder time with it due to the new parts. The shield can't fit on the back with the wings fully folded, and using it as an arm mount requires a tail-fin be removed. I also managed to scratch the right forearm during transformation, but that might just be me being heavy handed. Galvatronus arguably suffers for the lack of a dedicated team. Noted pain to photograph due to the purple.

The Alternatives
Cyclonus has two high profile rivals, the Universe mould and the TakaraTomy version. The Universe mould was specifically designed to be Cyclonus, and is well-liked, if a product of its time. The Japanese iteration however comes in a highly desirable if expensive boxset with four other toys, two of which with exclusive head sculpts. 

The Verdict
Silverbolt was my #10 of 2015, and Cyclonus is a comprehensive reworking, that seems ill-fated to end up on sale. The reason for this has less to do its weaknesses, of which there are a few, but more with the concept. Nobody really wanted a combining Cyclonus, but it seems they did it because they could, and it would be fun. He is therefore quite nice, but completely optional in a line that encourages you to buy six toys at a time. If you like what you see, Cyclonus/Galvatronus definitely have merit, but feel free to skip this one otherwise.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Prototype Watch: A Tale Of Two Computrons

News broke on Saturday of an official confirmation for Computron and the Technobots, a source of prolonged controversy in the fandom. As you may recall, Scattershot materialised in Combiner Wars wave 5 by himself, minus his team, as a somewhat uninspired Silverbolt retool, with a torso mode that was just Superion in red, named Betatron. Where were the rest of the Technobots, and their combined form, Computron? The disappointment was tangible, and I got it into my head that they'd never be released, but a succession of leaks confirmed the team would materialise as a boxset. What appears to be a package scan surfaced on Wednesday, and an official statement was considered a formality. Saturday's confirmation however came from the twitter account of TFYUKI, a TakaraTomy designer, rather than Hasbro. This reveal in the form of a silhouette(1), so its hard to judge at this time, but certain differences are obvious. Lets do a comparison, starting with the Hasbro.

Source: Seibertron

As you can see, its a repaint and retool job, although with some flair. Scattershot seems unchanged, aside from paintwork, although there is a lot of that. The rumoured Groove and Air Raid retools look good in arm form, although the two legs are a slight concern. I think everyone is tired of the DeadEnd/Streetwise mould, excellent as it is, and Nosecone is based on the flawed Brawl. Lets hope they fixed his waist. The famous hand/foot guns aren't present, replaced by a set of more visually pleasing if less functional bits. These seem similar to the Victorion set featuring ankle tilts and I would hope storage options. The show-stopper however is Scrounge in the Legend slot, a fairly obscure comics character and a retool of the excellent Cosmos mould, adding a UFO to a team of sci-fi vehicles. Not only have he and Afterburner been modified to dock, the shuttle/micromaster has been retained, so its now a team of seven. Lots of fun to be had there, and if this goes for a £90ish I'm seeing Combiner Wars boxsets go for, I'd be tempted. Now, lets look at the Japanese version.

Source: TFYUKI

There is only so much useful information that can be divulged from a solid black shape, but we can determine the following. 1) There's a new, and almost certainly 80's cartoon accurate, head for the combined form. 2) At least two members have new and/or additional weapons, as seen on the hips, possibly the drill, and being wielded in the right hand. 3) It looks like the hand/foot guns are retained. And 4) Scrounge isn't present, as expected, because Legend scale toys don't feature in Unite Warriors and he's not part of the original team. Otherwise, its pure speculation. Some think that the right leg is Wheeljack, and that left leg is a new mould. At this point, we just don't know, but I wouldn't dismiss these possibilities. This silhouette has however been enough to for many declare a preference for the TakaraTomy version, and in all fairness, they have a point. If TT can be trusted to do anything, its go full G1, and if they retain the hand/foot guns, functionality is going to be arguably superior to the Habro version. If you don't care about Scrounge, and the team proves to be easily obtained, its the better choice. Then again, it could be an exclusive, and therefore lot more expensive than the Hasbro, which looks fine and has more actual toys in it. Plus, we have yet to see either as individuals, so its all up in the air.

Both are better than this, mind you.

Source: Seibertron

Foot notes
1) Sigh.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Blog Update And Eight Opinions

Okay folks, I'm back. Partially. The family matter is ongoing, and I don't feel I can talk about it here, but I've been away too long. So, I'm running a Sunday service for the foreseeable future. I've no shortage of demands on my time now, and I'm going to Botcon 2016, which is gonna be something of a distraction. And a good source of material too, don't get me wrong, but JEEEEEEETTTTT LAAAAGGGG. In the meantime, here's an article touching on the varying toy, political and nerd film news that happened while I was away.

Source unknown. Please tell me, I'd love to know.

The New York Toy Fair reveals
Yay! Chromedome! Yay! Fort Max! Yay! Almost Everything! Hang on, where's Computron and Liokaiser? Oh, there's Computron, yay!

The TakaraTomy versions of Titans Return toys, such as Hardhead
This is a complex one. The Japanese versions of Transformers tend to get lots of praise for superior paintwork and very closely following the G1 cartoon, and they've taken the step of retooling the faces for that purpose. So Hardhead has a mouth, like most of his appearances. However, purists will note that the Japanese cartoon continuity diverged from the Western version sharply in 1987, and had their own exclusive series. Which of course, does not line up with any Hasbro depiction. The whole “Takara makes stuff that reminds me of the cartoon I saw as a kid, and Hasbro don't, so its better” argument doesn't really apply here. It is however interesting to see these these come with mini-vehicles intended for release for $5 price point in the West. On a more objective standpoint, if the price is proportional, this would be a legitimate improvement. Given that I found Hardhead for preorder at $36, maybe not.

The Deadpool movie
An obvious labour of love, that deserves all the praise and money its receiving. If you like the trailers, especially the uncensored ones, go see it. Its easily the best non-Marvel Studios superhero film since 2008, both in terms of entertainment value and adaptation. I just hope Hollywood won't learn the wrong lesson from its success. You know, that Deadpool isn't popular merely because he minces people and says bad words and is from the 90's. Its because it was made by people whom cared, who did a good job, backed up with a spectacular advertising campaign.

Batman V Superman to get a “R Rated” home release
Oh god, too late. This has apparently been in works for a while, so its not Warner jumping on a trend. Its still a bloody stupid idea, regarding a film which has had seemingly nothing but stupid ideas. These characters are intended for children. Here's a more detailed rebuttal. And another.

The Venom film that doesn't involve Spider-Man
Oh god, too late.

On Donald Trump
Oh god, too late.

The new Ghostbusters trailer
Wow, what a lot of controversy. I'm almost afraid to talk about this, lest I accidentally I align myself with a bunch of misogynistic and/or entitled troll fanboys. The thing is this: I didn't find the trailer funny. I didn't find it engaging. It felt like exactly every other Hollywood comedy, possibly involving Adam Sandler, but could have been made by or starring anyone of the tinsel town standbys. Its too early too tell, humour is subjective, but I didn't like it. I'm also inclined to say that all the gender controversy is just giving the film free advertising, which it may not deserve.

And finally, the E.U Referendum
Look, whatever you decide, try to read up on the situation. I mean actually, read, don't just watch a rolling news channel. Don't use a single newspaper or website, and seek ones you normally wouldn't read. You're probably best off starting with the BBC; everybody has an agenda, but at least the beeb has impartiality in their charter. And then actually vote. And then shut up about the result, whatever it may be.

So sick of hearing about this.