Sunday, 9 October 2022

Kitbash Experiment: Ork Mek

As my 40K relapse continues, I relearn old skills as much as learn new ones, and take on challenges I largely wouldn't have before. At the moment, this mainly involves the actual ork, rather than the machines they build/bodge/loot/weld-together. Its a different skillset, if only because everybody has a body and therefore notices when something is wrong. Finding and perfecting methods of doing orky bits was looking to be a necessary prerequisite of a couple of ideas I had, so an interim project was called for. Something on theme. An Ork Mek. 


As the name implies, Meks are the ones responsible for the creation of Ork machines and weapons. In terms of personality, Meks usually sit somewhere between Jeremy Clarkson & Adam Savage. While just as fond of casual violence as the next ork, but their exuberance is focused more on making things bigger, better, faster and probably explosive. Everything they do is on some level a custom job, and a brute force solution only one step away from a critical failure. Duct tape may very well be involved. Meks come in a variety of sizes and influence l, the one I have built here is the unpopular regular Mek. This unit hasn't done much to differentiate itself from the other versions, offering a minor character with an overclocked energy weapon, and not much else. I built this mainly for the practice, and with a suspicion that the Deathskull bonuses might suit him.

The main components of this kitbash come from the recently retired mrk2 boyz kit, and the spanner pieces from the compatible loota/burnaboyz kit.I dismantled a kustom mega blaster and combined it with the large two-barrelled slugga, to make the Kustom Mega Slugga. This ended up a little bit oversized and TBH rough, but there's no mistaking what it is. The tool was taken from the Battlewagon upgrade sprue and attached to a basic boy arm, while the spanner backpack was given a new icon. I also attempted to sculpt a basic mechanics apron from green stuff. I've dabbled in sculpting before, I have several orks with funny hats, but its been a long time. The head meanwhile was off an old metal Burnaboyz, and the model was painted alongside some Boyz, so there was some delay before completion.



Overall, I have mixed feelings about how it turned out. The kitbashing is on point, but I feel I need more practice with sculpting. Also, mass painting Boyz remains a chore. Mind you, an experiment is an experiment, and it was useful practice.



Work in Progress Pic



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