Sunday 16 August 2015

Blog Watch: Week 1

Well, its a week in, where do we stand? Going by the analytics, the new blog is off by a reasonable start. The old blog is still has much higher traffic, but things on on the upswing here. I need to build things up again, but baby steps. What now? The plan is to do two reviews a week, perhaps with substitute/additional articles as the mood strikes. The subject matter is similarly subject to my whims; there's a number toys I never reviewed, but also some I feel would benefit from the concise format, or I reviewed so long ago a revisit won't hurt. I also intend to do a few long-form reviews if the subject requires it, but I'm sticking to 500 words for the default, due to time constraints. In any case, I'm attending Auto Assembly, so material should be plentiful. 

Here's an outline of what to expect in coming weeks.

Next Week: the rest of the Combiner Wars Protectobots.

The Week After: Two fairly anonymous Decepticons.

September: Some bigger toys.

Hope to see you all back soon.

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