Sunday 22 March 2020

Plamo: Assorted 30 Minute Missions Add-ons, featuring the Portanova

Here we go, the Portanova part 2. So, after the little mishap I mentioned, I ordered some kits to finish it off. The result is significantly more busy a design than I normally go for, but I do like how it all turned out. Especially with the flight stand. COMMENCE RAMBLE!

The new armour pieces are from the “Close fighting” set, and I gotta say, 30MM names are very descriptive, but not exciting. You will know exactly what something is, but you won't get a fun made-up word with an Engrish accent. It was not a difficult installation at all, but I still managed to have some more minor setbacks. I had not clicked that Shields attach to the underside of a Portanova's forearm, which is less than ideal. The new chest plate also went a bit wrong when detailing, Portanova build mishap #3, so I ended up keeping the original. However, the actual aesthetics worked well, thanks mainly to me choosing a complimentary colour to the base kit. The overall appearance puts me in mind of some kind of insect and samurai, although I'm sure there are better words to use. This would prove to have major synergy with the other sets, and TBH, I didn't really have a plan here. I wanted just to try some things out.

On the subject of bugs, insects do many things, but a notable one is fly. Or possibly leap into your hair. The “Option Backpack 02”, while also having a desperately unsexy name, covers that adequately. It does not interfere with a Portanova's other functions, but adds a sense of speed and flight. It's a little reminiscent of a Gundam 0080/83 design with those external fuel tanks, and its done in the same colour as the weapons, so an Alto could use it too. The splayed hands that come with it however are also cast in grey, which doesn't match anything. You'd need to either paint that, or replace the other hand with a weapon of some kind. Fortunately, the last set covers that latter option.

The Portanova weapon set proved to be an unqualified win, providing gubbins for at least two future projects. Its notable as it included one each of the standard weapons, rather than just the add ons. All the options are good too. Seriously, it was an effort to limit myself to just one for this guy. Eventually, I went with the spear, and decided to name this "The Hornet". Because it flies, stings people, and is generally a bit of a bastard.

Despite the mishaps, it all came good in the end.

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