Sunday 10 May 2020

Gunpla: The RB-79 Ball twinset (HGUC)

For varying reasons, I'm rarely drawn to the "heroes" of any given Gundam series. Yes, you have a overwhelming technological advantage, well done. That's not exactly great for drama, is it? I'm definitely more for the unusual, the mundane, or expendable. Hitting all three categories with force is the RB-79 Ball, presented here by a High Grade Twinpack. A civilian construction vehicle hurriedly adapted for combat, the Ball was deployed in huge numbers by the Federation to help with their Mobile Suit problem. These tended to die horribly, but if we're honest, an actual vehicle being in space combat probably would look more like this than a giant robot.

To give a proper defence to the Ball, I'm gonna step outside the weebish world of Gundam, and into the even more EdgeLord setting of Warhammer 40k. Think Star Wars, but filtered via a Heavy Metal album, and everyone is really evil. Including the anime inspired faction. 40k is a miniature wargame, one which seems to be actively maintained these days, thank Christ, but not necessarily a deep one. A good example of this is a useful-but-reductive of habit of many players, whom break out the probability calculations to judge a unit. Often this is on a cost per kill basis, and commonly called "mathhammer". Not a bad tool, but one that only judged a models ability to trade injuries. One of my favourite unit to field was the diminutive Gretchin, goblin-looking blighters whom were objectively terrible fighters. They weren't there to kill stuff though. They were there to do stuff like catch bullets, hold position and generally frustrate the enemy, while my actual troops did the heavy lifting. The Ball occupies a similar niche, although you can make the argument its good at hit & run. Yes, it's an armoured coffin with an ignorable cannon, but while you're dodging that in your fancy ass Gelgoog, a GM just flanked you.

Why am I going on like this? Well, its that or make endless testicle jokes. What's the kit actually like? Well it's like the Loto set, but without the crippling balance issues. A pair of balls are obviously a much simpler build project than the Lotos, not to mention your average individual MS, but it's basically perfect for what it is. Assembly is good for a lazy Sunday evening, with no drama. Or stickers. Or polycaps. It doesn't hurt to do some panel lines and thruster detail, but colours are ideal. There is even a weapon variant to mix things up, a twin cannon more usually associated with with the orange K type variant. There is also a stand for each, which is nice. A few minor criticisms could be made, the stands are the same plastic as the main body, rather than transparent, and the twin guns lack something for their sensors. Mind you, its very hard to complain when everything goes together this well.

Most of my blog articles feature things only of interest to me and maybe three people whom are likely to read this. This article, even more so.

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