Sunday 29 November 2020

Plamo: Ork Lite Kroozer (Battlefleet Gothic)

 So, following on from that attempted tactics article, here's the end result, the Lite Kroozer Thermidor. 



This was painted and constructed in the same manner as the Orktober Terror Ship, although things went better. The main body is another cheapo starship, a skinnier one as befits its stats. As its meant to be an incomplete ship, its asymmetrical, and only has five engines. One of these is from a metal Kill Kroozer, and yes I know that's sacrilege, but it helps with balance. The base mount is not at the centre, and those new Klaws shift its centre of gravity even further forwards, so a chunky metal bit solves that problem. 




Said Klaws should be immediately recognisable to Ork players, but the joints shouldn't be. These are taken from a Neko Busou kit, lit. “Cat Weapon”, which is incidentally where the cats I use in photography come from. Google that sometime, its a blast. The Klaws are secured in pose, but not permanently attached for ease of transport, and possibly alternate weaponry if its needed.

While I don't have too much interesting to say here, I'm very pleased with how this turned out. It makes me feel more confident about converting bigger ships. As to why I've named this Thermidor? Well, its a blue lobster with a pirate's demeanour.



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