Sunday 20 December 2020

State of the blog post

OK, it's been roughly a year since I started doing gunpla as therapy, and blogging about it. I suppose some sort of retrospective is needed.

I'll admit that this blog is fundamentally a self-absorbed exercise. Many are, I suppose, but it's a realisation I only had recently. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy making things, and then writing about it, but I've begun to question why. Social media feedback was part of it, but I've found myself viewing it less of a treatment for stress so much as part of the issue. Even before I had to self-isolate, I found myself both a month ahead, more gunpla than I ever expected, and a return to ork-related projects like the Battlefleet Gothic stuff. And wondered whom/what it was for? Mainly for me, I think, I doubt I will ever be a "content creator" as such. Acknowledging that 2020 sucked balls, and any distraction was welcome, I suspect that there's an autistic component to this I wasn't fully conscious of previously. I'm starting wonder how much of my hobbies are things I actually enjoy for their own sake, or simply manifestations of the condition. Either that, or my tastes are merely fluctuating with the passage of time, and it wouldn't be the first time I ran headlong into a new hobby. I clearly have things to think about...

Anyways, while I intend to keep the blog going as a creative outlet, there's going to have to be variation and a clearing of a backlog. At time of writing, there's 11 weeks of articles pending, so I'll drop in several as bonus posts over the holiday period. Here's a brief list of what's in the pipeline.

Some more "remembering" of cartoons and anime.

A couple of video game mini-reviews.

Some articles on long-finished Gunpla.

More ork-adjacent BFG blogs.

Some Mecha Hack Stuff, as I backed the recent expansion on kickstarter.

Please check on Monday, for the first of the bonus articles.

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