Sunday 21 February 2021

Not-Lego: The MyBuild Mecha Frame Titan 6012

So, I got this immediately after the Sergeant because I was so impressed. Did it live up to expectations? Yes. But let's talk a little more about why.

The Titan is the largest single robot in the line, if you define things in the purely humanoid sense. They also do scorpions and robot/support-vehicle sets, but even then the Titan is relatively titanic. The Mecha frame is basically the same as the Sergeant, but it uses more of the 2x2 blocks and various extenders. A pilot figure is again omitted, but if you have one you'll notice it sits in the belly rather than the upper chest. Everything is just, more. The body is more built up and opens from the front. It's legs are rather thick, putting me in mind of Front Mission or Heavy Gear with its toes and shoulder weapons. The arms match everything else, going for a fashionable asymmetry, with twin machine guns on the right. It's about a third bigger overall than the Sergeant, while its head is about the same, making it look more  threatening through both proportions and sheer mass. If Sarge is a medium, this is a heavy. Its a good look.

Functionally it doesn't disappoint either. You gain finger joints, toe joints, and you can just about pull off a high kick. It's not super-posable, but this is one of those situations where you don't reasonably expect it. It's made of not-Lego and is built like a tank, how posable can it be without spoiling the effect? Or hitting a physical limitation of the medium? It can certainly wield its assorted weapons well, although this is an area where they maybe cheat a bit. There's a few plastic rods acting as gunbarrels and structural support for the Hammer. 



All-in-all? A lot of fun.



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