Sunday 11 July 2021

Gunpla: The MS-09R Rick Dom (HGUC)

I can get a bit "armchair general" about Zeons assorted Mobile Suit programs, which was a messy contest between multiple factions and reality. Part of it was obviously the need for merch and concerns about viewing figures, but imagine the following. You've invaded Earth, but found your super weapon, the Zaku II series, isn't working as well there. As WMDs are now off the table, you need to make a better version for land combat. At the back of your mind, two things are troubling you. The first is that you are in a stalemate with a power that has 30 times your industrial capability, while the second is that the Federation must be working on their own version of the Zaku. The latter fear is soon proved fully justified by the first episode of the Gundam anime. So what do you do? The answer was deploy the Dom series, a popular design that probably came too late. 



Now, if we're just talking raw numbers, the Dom was a dramatic improvement over the Zaku series. Its was tougher, better armed, and faster due to its hovercraft system. However, there were issues. Physical armour was about to be devalued by beam weaponry, and the war was about to be move back into space, prompting the Rick Dom variant as a stop-gap. Also, as a result of a certain video game, I've never been keen on the Dom's bazooka as a general purpose weapon, if only for ergonomic and rate of fire reasons. You don't need that to destroy a GM or your average Feddie tank, so it prompts questions as to what Zeon thought they were facing. Well, presumably the ol' RX-78-2, but bazookas aren't ideal for agile targets. The Dom also features some "transitional" attempts at beam weaponry, with what amounts to a nipple-mounted flashbang grenade, and the Rick Dom's externally powered beam bazooka, which incidentally is an "expanded universe " addition.

So, that's 300ish words on the lore, how is it as a model? Well, it's a prestige kit from 2006, so they put a lot of effort in, but you can tell its an older product. Colour accuracy is high, featuring transparent parts, a moving monoeye, but the scattering beam gun requires a sticker. There's multiple hands, of a 3 part style, but they don't look great due to gaps and seams. You have the option to build a vanilla or Rick styled Dom, but it's not something convenient to switch after assembly. Posability is about what you'd expect of something whose feet are as big as its torso, possibly better than it looks, but nowt earth-shattering. Following a lens mishap, I opted for the beam bazooka, which I will admit is a touch daft and a little heavy for the arm joints. I then did a bit of light panel-lining.

Overall, this kit feels just a little outdated. There's definitely nice touches like the shoulder armour, and the overall effect is great, but the weaknesses are definitely things that are in the nuisance category. There are probably nicer Doms, but that's not its fault, to be fair.

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