Sunday 17 April 2022

Plamo: The ON1-K Orion (BattleTech, Catalyst Game Labs, “dubious”)

As you may have observed, its taken me some time to settle on a colour scheme. This is probably a matter of me making things difficult for myself, and possibly having the wrong mindset for it. My experience is mainly Orks, which is usually a matter of being numerous and/or rusty. I can take a bit more time with these. And also its time to mix it up a bit. Monotone looks a bit dull, even if I've got a theme. So, I took a step back, and decided to work on one by itself with a more involved paint scheme.

This model has its origins in an eBay listing of dubious provenance, and might charitably be called a factory second if we don't want to use the phrase "knock-off". I'd used it for colour testing previously, and nearly kept it with its last paint job, but I felt I could do better. Fictionally? The Orion is another centuries old legacy design of the heavy category. Its basically there to just dish it out and take it. Visually? Its got a lot of that asymmetric brutalism that you see in mecha from the "pre-clan" period. It's not a repurposed anime design, so its not especially humanoid and perhaps a bit janky, but it does definitely look like a bad day that's about to happen to someone. I like the ugly thing, although I have no idea what the deal is with the left arm.

I'd decided to go for a two tone green scheme this time, combining techniques used in my two previous projects. This evokes both the Zaku II and the Scopedog, though its fairly generic TBH. The Orion's odd design also means that I needed to get creative with it, while the AK Lime Green needed some toning down. It seems that paint works best as an accent or highlight when paired with another green. I also opted for grey feet this time, with the brown retained for detailing work. The base was also somewhat more involved, and an example of restrictions breeding creativity. This model lacked a base, so I ordered what proved to be one intended to be used with the older metal battletech models and thus was wrong. I used green stuff fill in the cavity, and decided, fuck it, to attempt a textured base. You can just about see it under the grass I over-applied. The missile rack also a minor area of issue, and I don’t think I can sort that out without stripping the paint again.


All in all, this came out pretty good, and the imperfections don’t really matter on a brute like this.


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