Tuesday 28 November 2023

Project Tonks: Part 7

Lucky number seven?


Mindful of becoming somewhat "tonked-out", I tapped my breaks a bit. I'd laid the foundations for today's Tonk in the week 6 segment, and then promised myself I'd try to do something else for 24 hours. At that point, the Tonk was looking to combine elements from each of the previous weeks'. The track base was similar to last week's, but triangular, with the hull being half a Jenga tile. The turret was looking like the one from week 5, but more towards the front. I soon realised this was gonna be too small, so I revisited the gimmick straws I'd used for week 4's oversized Tonk. Through good luck one of the pieces matched the width of this Tonk all-but-perfectly, with a bit spare for a gun barrel. However, things didn't seem to be sticking well, and I took that as my cue to take a break. 


When I came back to it, I found myself making an inverse of a Tonk somewhat, with most of the mass towards the front. The hull was dressed with a keyboard key and a lot of rivets, while I added additional roadwheels in the form of beads atop nanoblocks. While the turret was another small jar, I tried to detail it differently from the week 5 model. I also applied a panel from an old toy car to the top of the hull, as it had duel extractor fans. Painting then continued with my now standard "make-up brush dry brushed rust bucket method". I'm quite happy with how it turned out, although I didn't notice a wonky wheel until it was too late. 


Once that was done, I anxiously turned to the next, as I had plans that week and wouldn't be able to model as much. Yep, rushing again. I do learn, I swear, it's just I get very focused on things. Here I used smaller wheels and more beads, before trying a new turret style based on a construction toy. It's obviously not done, so we'll come back to that one again next week. 



All being well, I should have something to say about stage 4 soonish.

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