Wednesday 12 June 2024

Project Chem-Dogs: The Conclusion

Well, this feels like a natural conclusion. Ten weeks of non-stop Astra Militarum, this was a proper hyper-fixation. So, while I gently tap the breaks, what did I achieve with Project Chem-Dogs


Well, I put together a heavily-themed Guard force, worth approximately 1000 points. Of those, the vast majority of the models feature significant green stuff and kitbash work, the vehicles being the least involved, and infantry being the most. I have achieved a passable Caucasian skin tone, and honed in on painting techniques that allow me to do these quickly and effectively. I figured that I'd be doing a unit a week, but I was doing two overall. The matter of skin was always something that intimidated me, its why I went for gasmasks, but at least I'm in "good enough" territory now. Similar comments can be made re: my troubles with waterslide transfers. I hate them, but I seem to be learning. I also achieved something that just wasn't on the original plan: a gender-balanced force. I suppose doing something like this was inevitable while taking a break from Orks, whom are lads to a boy, trying actual girl models for the first(?) time. This was another thing I'll admit to being a bit intimidated by, as such things as “boobplate” exist, but I find myself leaning into it for the sake of variety. Plus I’ve yet to attract any comments along the lines of “Hur-de-hur, army of thieves and hoes!”, which helps. Finally, I’ve played 40k. I haven’t done that since 8th edition, and I will admit to having a bit of a complex about that given the circumstances of how I stopped playing and the cost angle. I've yet to win a game, but I'm having fun, and I feel I'm doing better each time.

So, I’ve achieved a lot, many things I would not have been inclined to try only a year ago. I’m happy about that. I’m not gonna say that I’m as good with humies as I am with Orks, or that I’m a Golden Demon entrant, but I’m better than I thought I would be. Win. Especially after Project Sulaco not working out. What do I want to do next? Well, in the immediate future, I’m working on a Hellhound, which I’m gonna spin-off into its own article, as it felt natural to do so. You can see it in the picture above. I want to build towards another 500 points, but I want to take a break from the weekly format on Guard, to prevent burnout. As for my next major project? I’m still mulling that over. I do want to something involving the new Ork codex eventually, but my prior issues remain. It feels a little bit like house-keeping just now, and doing a Dread Mob would be repeating myself. Fun, yes. But repeating myself. I need to think a bit more.

Watch this space.

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