Thursday 15 October 2015

A Concise Review of Robotmasters Rijie, A.K.A Mirage, In 500 Words Or Less

Pricepoint/Vintage: Basic, 2004
Modes: Robot and Penske PC-18 Indycar.
Transformation Style: Spring-loaded flipchanger.
Play Patterns: Robot and car, 3mm weaponry.
Points of interest: Logical repaint of Machine Wars Mirage, and Japanese trademark casualty. Has an additional weapon, believed to be from a short-lived Microman line.

The Good
Rijie is based on the most successful of the Machine Wars flipchangers, and thus is competent in most things. The vehicle mode is much convincing, with the automorph integrated into the rear wing, which has aged better than other examples in my collection. His robot mode is pretty good too, with 7 joints, light piped eyes, and has gained a new gun for this release. Its also true that the G1 colour scheme, especially the blue, really fits the mould. He's classy in both modes.

The Bad
Rijie's got some kibble issues in robot mode, with half the car existing as one big, unrefined, chunk. It actually affects the mobility of all four limbs, which is a shame, as he's got five balljoints. The hip joints had regrettably become very loose over time, which prompted corrective action from me. He also has a gun that splits in half for storage, but like other examples, only one half secures properly, and so the other can get lost.

The Mediocre
I am loathe to consider an extra gun a negative, but I have concerns, as its translucent green plastic with chrome on top. That could go badly wrong. It obviously doesn't store either.

The Alternatives
This mould was used 5 times, and the character of Mirage has been extensively supported over the years, either in homage or in actuality. There's the well-regarded Classics deluxe, which is probably the first choice, although the Combiner Wars version has its appeal. Race cars of this type are also fairly common. Direct competition in the same size bracket is a bit thin on the ground though.

The Verdict
A superior example of a repaint, this toy has all the merits of the original but adds value. I'm sure the colours would have been enough for some, but you have to love another gun. His only real downsides are inherited, mainly in the posability, but are forgiveable for a toy of his size and style. If you want a Mirage, or just a small F1 Car, Rijie is definitely an option worth looking into.

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