Sunday 26 April 2020

Plamo: Another Portanova

Righty, we've had a fair few rather wordy gunpla-centric articles lately. And a fawning article about a model advert. And some more wordy gunpla-centric posts in the pipeline. So, let's break things up with a light article about a 30 Minute Missions kit I've previously talked about. But in fancy colours.

This project is mainly based on what I already had, what I could grab, or otherwise add into a order before the world shutdown. You may recognise parts from the Portanova Weapon set I used on the Hornet, while the grey components are from the “Option Armor for Special Squad”. Here I ran afoul of my tendency to rush things when I'm in a bad mood. I tried the “gasmask” piece, although it didn't sit well with white of the main kit. One spraypaint mishap later, yes, another, and I decide to pass on the part. Fortunately however, Corax White spray worked very well on selected armour pieces.

As can happen with my more creative projects, another idea came to me. I had basically picked up a Portanova with colours reminiscent of the Transformers character “Galvatron”, specifically the white/lavender/grey version. One element it lacked was orange, and as that was a paint I currently had to hand, I used that to detail a few bits. Possibly/probably an orange marker would have worked better, but you never know until you try. There was another happy coincidence with respects to the hands. These where in the same grey as the leftover dynamic hands from the “30MM Option Backpack 2”, hence the Portanova's pose. Paints used also include Vallejo Game Color Silver, Orange Fire, and Citadel Soulstone Blue for sensors. The nature of the white was a challenge, and the reason why I have not done too many panel-lines. A minor slip-up dulls the finish, although the plastic is quite forgiving of cutmarks.

I don't normally go for bright and shiny, but I'll make an exception here.

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