Sunday 11 October 2020

Plamo: More Ork Terror Ships in progress (Battlefleet Gothic)

Well, here's that follow-up article I promised. Yes, and this time its with two more Terror ships, because what are diminishing returns?



Let's start with the most involved of the two. TBH, this little project was about reminding myself how to scratchbuild, and to assess what of my bits box remains useful. Its core component is an actual spaceship this time, one I acquired in a mixed bag of 35 for a tenner, so my expectations weren't high. The contents however proved to be pretty decent, and they accepted a stand without modification. Choosing what I think was a “lander”, see photos, I cut off the back half, and stripped the front engines, and set about bulking things out. It seems I may have cleared out some raw materials since I last did this, so the build was definitely more improvisational than I intended, hence the use of drinking straws and two types of off-brand lego. At the time of writing, I'm still awaiting new materials, but if you compare the unmodified toy to what it now resembles, I think its going OK. Its got ten engines and a face, which seems to be my signature style now.



Yes, yes. I know it has shiny gems on it. It will be fine with a brown undercoat. Its not done!

As I like to paint things in bulk, I decided to look into another Orky Capital Ship I had knocking about. This second Terror Ship started as an incomplete Kill Krooser I got in a mixed lot, which I started on back in the day and never finished. This demonstrates my distaste for the Kill Krooser at the time, and also how far I have to go before I can scratchbuild something in the same style. I added in launch tubes and more recently new engines in an attempt to balance the thing. I'm rather unhappy with it so far, I really need those new materials, and the damn thing doesn't like stands. Putting a big metal model on a thin plastic flight base, who would have thought that could be a problem?


All-in-all, I'm edging towards a functional fleet, as Orks max out at only six standard capital ships, and I've already got assorted Rams and Onslaughts. That leaves the more specialised escorts, and big projects like the Space Hulk. I'll move up to something more involved once these are done, I think.

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