Sunday 26 June 2022

Plamo: The 30 Minute Missions Spinatio (Army Type)

It's been a while since I've done one of these, I know. My fixations switch every once in a while, usually once I burn myself out on something. That said, I've kept an eye on 30MM, so I was quite happy to see this in a local nerd shop for a reasonable price. As you may recall, I was rather impressed with the Spinatio last year, and while the frame has mainly been used for ninja-adjacent designs, this one is slightly more inline with the brand as a whole. The army type, as the name would imply, looks like something the army would use, presented in an assortment of greens and grey.


There's a few things I really like here. First off, I found the plastic to be very easy to prepare and clean. Part of that is probably my new nippers, but I was able to use my finger nails to address cutmarks, and that's a credit to the plastic. A nice spread of functional but not extravagant accessories are present; 5 hands, a gun, shield and machete. Enough to comfortably use the frame's exceptional mobility without feeling excessive, and largely all you'd want in a single kit for the price. Criticisms tend to fall into the nitpick category, such as there being only two hand guards, and matters of personal preference. One observation I would make is that is the basic model is somewhat skinny and given that Spinatio sets come with armour and unique accessories, there's less reason "to go naked" as it were as with say the Portanova. It's very hard to mind that given its merits though.

With the actual build being about as stress-free as a pleasantly warm bowl of porridge, I took a slightly different approach to finish it. While I panel-lined the area behind the visor, I otherwise opted for a drybrushing, ink wash, and light drybrushing method. Citadel's Leadbelcher was used for a weathering effect, before Agrax Earthshade was used for grime, followed by a bit more Leadbelcher for fresher wear. I also used a little Ghenna Gold on the rifle. The overall result is great, but I over-did it places, and had to go back to tidy up, picking out white specks that I assume was kitchen roll. The shield is something I'm quite proud of, though.



All in all? A nice model that suited the basic techniques I used.

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