Sunday 4 September 2022

Plamo: Ork Boyz (Warhammer 40k)


So, with 3 trukks done, I’m gonna need some ladz to ride in them. Its something you do. Its also something I’ve been putting off. Its been a good four years since I tried to paint infantry in any real number, and I’ve had a few frustrations in that area. But, I did it this time. Note to self: don't have two painting projects on the go at the same time. You just end up focusing on the fun one


Anyway, my basic idea was to figure out a way to do a bunch of Boyz with minimal effort. I am not a good painter, but I aim to be an effective one. I wanted the minimum number of steps, with a good tone on each colour. I'm not one for layering or building up tones. That's something for people with greater fine motor control, more patience, and fewer actual models to paint. So, I adopted Midwinter Minis speed painting technique for Orks, with a few minor variations. I wanted to use the same colours as my previous builds where possible, including the undercoat stage to simplify the matter of vehicle crew in future. I sprayed the Boyz brown and then applied Moot Green on top for the skin, followed by the ever present Agrax Earthshade wash. This evened out to a nice green tone, with the side benefit of helping with teeth and metals. This was pleasing, although I did run into a few issues with the undercoating this mob. I'd originally sprayed these white for the use Contrast Paints, which I now hate, and ran out of brown spray before the end, and had to improvise. Again. Remounting the models onto 32mm bases also caused a few delays, and a bionik boot in one case. Yes, I could have used expander rings to expand the old 25mm slotta bases, but getting 11 models straight and level would have done my head in. I also should have left applying my homebrew texture paint until the end. Mind you, I did find that just washing the base coat worked well enough for fabric, and contrast paints could work for little details like tongues. The tricky bit was finding motivation to get them done, but once I had that, things went OK.



I acknowledge that 11 allegedly “speed painted” trukkboyz is a good deal less interesting than my recent work. But they are kinda important. These models date from 8th edition, when I tried to update my army, shortly before the time I stopped playing, and painting. It's good to have them finally done, and to a standard I can live with.

Now for the other 3 kajillion...



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