Sunday 16 October 2022

Orktober Project: Live, Larf, Loot

 Have you ever finished something and said to yourself: "This is either the best idea I ever had, or the worst. And I can't tell which."?


Explanation? Well, I had some time off, I usually do in the winter, and wanted to do something special for Orktober. That's the annual holiday for Ork players/modellers, if you are unfamiliar. I ended up doing two projects, this being a relatively quick one while the other was drying. The inspiration was an Ork meme, a spin on the motto "Live. Laugh. Love." A spin by the Deathskulls clan, whom like to steal things. And then the nails that were holding those things down.

I was kinda doing this in secret, so there's no in-progress pictures, but the construction went something like this. It's mainly a foam sheet that had been roughed up, and then backed with a brochure & scrap plastic. If you are doing something similar, I'd recommend choosing a more solid material, like an old placemat, as warping was an issue. The letters are wooden ones from a hobby shop, the most expensive part of the build by far. These were given plastic rivets, and a rough application of wall filler for texture. The glyph and secondary panel were cut from a thinner foam sheet. Finally, it was painted with drybrushing, stippling, and washing techniques.

I'm not gonna say this was a particularly deep project, but that's to its benefit. If you're a parent whom wants a project to do with your young child/yoof, I can imagine you having a good time. Foam, card & PVA glue are probably OK on a rainy day...

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