Monday 12 August 2024

TFNation August 2024 Report

Well, I just got back, and have yet to pass out from exhaustion, so here’s a write-up while its fresh.

Now, more so than usual, this was a bit of a blur. It was good to see the friends that could make it, but the amount of actual socialising I managed to fit in was a bit light. Part of that was logistics; I was staying at a Premier Inn rather than the venue in an attempt to save money, so I couldn't enjoy the atmosphere as much. Unfortunately the inn abruptly closed its restaurant in the run up to that weekend, which meant I went to Starbucks instead. That wasn't bad by any means, but it was the first several unexpected things that put me a bit off-kilter, culminating in some intense digestive discomfort that I shall spare you the details of. I had the ill. On the plus side, I did have the honour of working on the Toy-Fu charity stall/ailse and doing some good. They passed a big milestone this year. Things picked up on Sunday too, so a good time overall. As for acquisitions? Well, it was a bit lighter this time, but then I got Tidal Wave two months back, so swings and roundabouts, I suppose. Things of interest to this blog include:

Legacy Cannonball: Yes, its the Skids mould again, in a Gordian Knot of retooling and pretooling.

Legacy Vector Prime: Possibly better than the original, possibly worse than what its retooled from.

Kingdom Wheeljack: I missed this first time around. And the second time around.

Kingdom Inferno: No, not that one. Its Hauler’s less memetic mouldmate.

Assorted G1 Candy Models: A gift from one Jake LaBombarbe, whom also kindly gave me some badges that are not pictured. Thanks Jake.

New Continent Machines Adventure: My first “what the hell is this?” purchase. Its an artist-led model kit. Something gunpla-adjacent, but you need paint.

A 3D printed head from a lucky dip: Self-explanatory.

A small robot that turns into the number 1: Also self-explanatory.

Tomiica Rescue Commander and Hyper Rescue: A big and chunky robot combiner, whom I need to do more research on.

I’ll probably do articles on several of these over the coming months, although I currently have a 3 week buffer, so it may be a while before I post anything. Normal service resumes on Sunday. I may also want to reconsider my hotel for next year.

In the meantime, rest.

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