See here for part 2.
part 1, I described Krieg Combat Engineers as something adjacent to
Kasrkin or Scions, and on reflection, that’s a touch misleading.
Combat Engineers do have a similar statline to those elite units, and
a similar position as a small specialist squad rather than the rank &
file. Engineers however end up a bit more low tech by comparison, and
regular Krieg have more direct and more diverse firepower per point,
depending on how you count. What Combat Engineers have instead are a
number of otherwise uncommon weapon types and an obscene amount of
explosives. These are basically trench raiders, with a Scout move
and are technically capable of being equipped as a mêlée unit, but
are actually known for putting a significant amount of mortal wounds
on something.
decided that Bulldogs would be a good basis for such a unit, I
decided to experiment in kitbashing a minimum sized squad and its
weapons. The combat shotguns were an initial problem, as the Bulldog
rifles where the wrong shape, and I struggled to source an
alternative I liked. The Stargrave Mercenaries sprue did present an
option I would later return to, but in the meantime I opted to modify
some cannon fodder guns with new barrels and drum mags. These looked
pretty good, and this gave me confidence to try making a handflamer,
but I really should have remembered how delicate such work is. This
is why you start small, so you can catch bugs before you go all in.
With the remote bomb and operator I got a bit silly. The bomb is a
glorified token, so it doesn't matter too much what it looks like,
while the operator just needs a remote. Thus I built a crude carriage
with a skull on it, (sourced from old Imperial Strongpoint terrain
IIRC,) and then plonked a resin bit that resembles artillery shell on
top. Yes. This is oversized and dumb. But it's clear what it does.
The operator meanwhile got a PDA to control it, and a cup of tea to
engineers are builders, right? Same thing. Builder’s tea is a
thing. They are already wearing high visibility orange. What more do
you want? For me to take the setting seriously?
As I noted last update, I wanted to batch paint my models, so I made
another squad of five along largely the same lines. I used the
aforementioned stargrave option for shotguns, something that eased
the process. There aren't many of those per box though, so as and
when I make more, I'll probably have to go for cannon fodder kitbash
anyway. I'm not planning to make more immediately though, as I want
to playtest them a bit first. One concern I have is diminishing
returns on a third squad, as you can't use a stratagem twice in a
phase, and if you're running three sets of engineers, that’s a
limitation you will feel. There's also the somewhat unusual way these
squads scale up to 10; you don't get more bombs or specialist
weapons, but you do get 5 shotgun dudes for a piddling 25 points. Its
not mandatory, but I can see a case for extra bodies for improved
objective play. Some minor tweaking to both sets on the Wednesday was
then followed by leisurely painting over the week. The plasma pistols
proved a recurring problem though, not staying on or together,
prompting modifications rather late in the process. While I did attempt to sculpt some additional armour in places, I don't think it came through very well. That said, they
turned out OK. I don't think I’m really getting better as such, but
I am getting more efficient. At the very least I was glad of some new
brushes I got recently, tiny ones help with the goggles and
Speaking of rules and play testing, I am still
impatient for my copy of the new codex. In the absence of a general
release, I decided to source a loose special edition example from
eBay. At time of writing, I have yet to receive it, but assuming
nowt goes wrong, I'll be in the position to play test in time for the
next update. The continued absence of a release date and base size
for both the Krieg Command and Krieg Heavy Weapons is also an
irritation. I have ideas with respects to these, and I may deviate
from my original plan. I find myself leaning towards the "Castellan
Command Blob" as a backfield option, but we'll see. I don't
think I need two Krieg Commands if I properly modernise my existing
two Platoon Commands. Of course, GW would post a preview for a pre-order a few days after I ordered the codex, mere minutes after I finalised this paragraph.
I thought something like that might happen.
Still, I don't think I overpaid, and I should have the last of the information I need by Sunday.
Up next: Krieg battleline.
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