Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Project Draftdodger: Part 7

See here for part 6.

With today's instalment, the end is in sight. I've deviated from my initial plan with respects to the Krieg Heavy Weapons, yes, but otherwise its largely done. This leaves me with the somewhat mundane matter of my new battleline unit that I last mentioned in part 4. Its not especially interesting as a model making experience, nor is it opening up anything new from a gameplay perspective. But, boys before toys. Or girls before toys, in this case. This unit will bring my basic infantry total to 90, or 9 battleline units, which is likely all I'll ever need. For these, I've opted for a simplified gasmask style that I’d previously used for my Stargrave Cadians, as well as some Iron Brother heads I had spare. This is to speed the process, as I'll likely spend two weeks on these as it is. There’s not much to say otherwise, its the dull part of the project, its not gonna be difficult, its just a matter of maintaining motivation. Doing the first four main colours on Sunday afternoon for example was an hour’s work, the tricky bit was getting going. And once they’re done, 2000 point battles will be within comfortable reach.

Providing most of today's actual pictures: I also finished off the quad guns, plus assorted hangers-on, from last week. My previous difficulty aside, the guns came out well. I even did up the assorted screens and sensors with a mix of technical and contrast paints. With the parts I have left, I can likely make a trio of flamethrowers as originally planned, although as I’ve yet to resolve the wheel issue, that’s still on hold. I did field this unit, along with the Ratlings, on Monday night to mixed success. The quad guns survived and dakka-ed some Swooping Hawks to death, while the Ratlings established a locus and then died. For that game, I played against type, and left all my tanks at home. Did it work? Short answer: I won the game so there's probably some potential there, but I want to see if I can repeat the experience before making any judgements. EDIT: Also I need to read up on reserves, I've gotten rather confused.

What I’m planning next is to move away from infantry a bit, and add more artillery. I’ve found a suitable proxy for the new Krieg Artillery, although at time of writing these models are still in the post. I'll talk about that more next week. All being well, Project Draftdodger will come to a natural conclusion circa part 10.

Then I have to figure out something new to do...

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