Sunday 14 March 2021

Not-Lego: The MyBuild Engineer T2 5014

You know, these are extremely fun ways to spend an afternoon. I need to be careful, this is habit forming.

However, there were a couple of minor irritations here. For one, the product renders make it look like the robot is in high visibility neon, when it's more of a JCB yellow. Good thing I like those colours. The other was an inexplicable white speckling on a black piece. Never seen that before. None of this is significant, but still a downer.

As this is the 3rd I've built, I suppose I should ask the obvious question, is this getting a bit samey? Truthfully, a bit. All of these largely boil down to a layering of thin/smooth pieces to armour the limbs, with its body being designed to hold an omitted mini-figure. The differences between them do tend to be a matter of visuals and price bracket. Fortunately, the Engineer T2 does have the visuals. Its undeniably a plant vehicle, with squat proportions, safety lights, and no head. It even comes with a barrier and traffic cones, which is adorable. It's variant of the Mecha Frame meanwhile has an odd quirk. It ends up with some curious offset knees that end up very limited in the full build. That is however fixable, and I see this working well for amphibious designs or aggressively armoured ones.

All-in-all? Another fun distraction, but I think I might have to get more ambitious next time



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