Sunday 30 May 2021

Blog: Spring/Summer 2021 Status Update

Well, as we enter the summer, and I begin to receive my Covid vaccination, it seems a good time to discuss the blog and where I am as a person.


The biggest thing that happened to me recently, excluding a recent wisdom tooth removal, was the closure of my toy selling business. I'll admit that this closure was a gut punch of thing, but it had been on the table for a while. The pandemic was just the last straw. It wasn't profitable, and my own interest in the Transformers brand had declined so it no-longer felt like a hobby. Its a shame, but I realise that I started the business for the wrong reasons. So, as I approach a big number, entering the realms of the old fart, I find myself pondering the big questions and having more free time. This isn't great, because, and I don't know if' you've noticed this lately, it's very easy to find an external factor to worry about instead, just by touching the news cycle. It's not all bad however, as this represents a chance for a fresh start, whatever the hell that may involve.

This blog is of course a distraction as much as it is a creative outlet. I'm usually running a month ahead, because depression and creativity tend to be on the same see-saw, so even if I'm feeling bad, I keep to the timetable. One thing I have noticed is a desire to get back into the wargaming scene, I'm an Ork at heart, while at the same time my Battlefleet Gothic fascination has largely ran its course. With the pandemic hopefully coming to an end, actually playing the game is possible, but it's not necessarily a step in the right direction, more of a relapse into an old habit. I also find my Mecha Hack writing to be reaching a natural pause. I have at this point published 6 articles of homebrew, including one personal best, and I find there's little more to say. This isn't a sad event however, as I will shortly be gamesmastering again, which will no-doubt be a source of inspiration. I will however need to find something to write about soonish, lest I fall behind. The blog will continue, one way or the other, until morale improves.


Here's a preview of what you might expect in coming weeks:

A dirty, dirty, dirty Leo.

An article on BFG:XR.

An article I've previously held back on, Orks in The Mecha Hack.

An article on how do Real Robots in The Mecha Hack, as opposed to “super” ones.

Possibly something on those new Beast Snaggas.

Something from the pile of unfinished kits.

Maybe an article on Transformers, as I no-longer have a conflict of interests there.


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