Sunday 31 October 2021

Gunpla: The RX-75-4 Guntank, this time in High Grade (HGUC)

I've spoken about the Guntank before, with respects to its cute version. A crude attempt to counter Zeon's Mobile Suits, and acknowledged as such in series, the Guntank was exactly what it sounds like. As a concept, it never really caught on, but designs inspired by it still turn up every so often. This HG kit is an older example, but also inexpensive, so I added it to an order on impulse. Sorry, this is gonna be a short one.


While not the most ancient model I've ever worked, this was number 7 in the modern HG series making it twenty odd years old and it shows. The SD version was only a year younger and purposefully simpler, but the difference between them is not as great as I might wish. I mean, yes, different art-style, but the only significant advancement here are the rubberised track pieces. Colour accuracy is on point for both, although I'm not a fan of the grey plastic here. Seamlines and cut marks are an issue generally, although the blue segments are OK. There's almost a polar opposite feel there, as the tank base is a good deal more detailed than the torso. So, I wasn't that impressed on a technical level, and as the Guntank is inherently less dynamic and cool than a mobile suit, it's not that exciting once finished. I would have thrown in a core fighter or something. Once completed, I opted for a simple panel-line and dirt job. I thought about doing camo, but decided against it as that would conflict with the 70's vibe. You can go nuts lining panels with this thing, due to the individual track links, so on went the Typhus Corrosion around the wheels, and Agrax Earthshade for the treads. I don't think it came out too bad, but I need to get over my fear of seamlines one of these days.

Is the HG Guntank worth your time? Well, if you're fond of the design, its a low cost and faithful interpretation. It does however feel a bit basic, and dramatically overshadowed by its White Base  brethren, as even the Guncannon got an update recently. I've spent more to get less, but this kit sits at that awkward point where it's not offering the benefits of its pricepoint. Maybe the Origin version is more up my street. 




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