Sunday 1 October 2023

Kitbash: Killa Kans Restoration

I'm not planning to go quite as hard on Orktober this year. I've done a lot of Ork projects with 10th edition being releases, so doing a month of Ork content isn't quite in me. I am however still doing something, so as I prep that, here's a quick orky post tide you over.


I've been modernising/cannibalising a lot of stuff of late, and these Kans are another beneficiary. I got them cheap second hand ages ago, which puts them in the same eBay rescue category as the Looted Rhino. While the main bodies where intact, several weapons were missing. This isn't totally unexpected, as while I like the plastic Kan kit, it only features one of each gun, so people get creative. I almost didn't write about these models, as I had a great many Transformers to talk about at the time, and TBH, doing up a bunch of scrap metal robots within grots inside is rather routine at this point. However, as its Orktober, and I feel I did a good job on these, here we are.

The heaviest kitbash, "Mistah Slap", required two new weapons and a completely new arm. These were mainly gunpla bits, with the hand being a salvaged piece from my original Mega-Armoured Warboss. I neglected to work in a piston for the new arm, as there wasn't really the space. The choice of a Kan Shoota was something I went back and forth on. New for the 10th edition Index, this replaces the often-underwhelming Big Shoota, thus retconing the weapon in my pre-existing kan units. It's probably inferior to the Rokkit Launcha as a default option, but it does have the Devastating Wounds ability, which has only gotten more interesting after the balance update. I eventually decided not to over-specialise and have Mistah Slap bring the dakka, while attempting a "tacticool" pose.

"Drilly Don da Dontist" was a little bit harder to work with, as he had been assembled with more of a pose, retaining much of the grotzooka arm. He also had three exhausts, which I understand, but I felt this had come at the cost of the third Kan, so I snipped one off and passed it on. Using a variety of beads and tubing, I built up a new rokkit launcha, which works well. I also built up a new jaw, as the model had a bit of a"chinless wonder" thing that would not do. 


"Da Dunce" was the simplist to assemble but ultimately the one I loved the most. It benefited from a metal Gorkamorka era rokkit rack for it's gun, with a bead as a new mount and reclaimed plasticard as a shoulder guard. The backpack had the donor exhaust installed, and then I remembered something I did with those Killbots, a hat made from a superglue lid. My initial thought was was to do this one up as a Smurf. No, not an Ultramarine, an actual Smurf, but then I remembered the old Dunce Hat trope. Its not often that I freehand symbols, but I love how it turned out.

Thanks for reading, and best wishes to all whom celebrate Orktober!

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