Sunday, 9 March 2025

Blog Update: March 2025

Well, as you may have noticed, I'm not posting on Sundays right now. How did that happen? Uhh. I had to think about why. Its tempting to point my finger at the Xmas period. I basically stopped writing for a month plus, in an attempt to get a better work/life balance. It was a mixed success, Xmas was a right old slog but I coped, and maybe I just got out if the habit of writing. And because I like to run with a buffer, and had quite a surplus now I think of it, its taken a while for the absence to be felt.  Some potential articles got trashed too, some just not working out. I had to return two(!) Transformers due to factory faults, it was shocking. In terms of mental health, I'm doing OK, trying to push on with Real Life, but I did find myself mildly surprised about my drop in output. Then again, Project Draftdodger has been a fine distraction and source of material. If one that demands regular-if-brief updates as opposed to deeper work. Its not so much that I’m not writing, its more that I’ve gone hard on the armymen, and I’ve not had much to say about Transformers as the new lines for this year aren’t out yet. I am a creature of habit, and a habit got broken.

Here’s what I’ve decided to do. At time of writing, Project Draftdodger is approaching a natural conclusion, so I'll use that as an opportunity for a soft relaunch. That will come on April 6th, hopefully giving me enough time to rebuild my buffer. This should also mean some more variation in blog content. Here’s a short list of what I’m considering currently.

I should have something to say about TFN Manchester.

A look at Legacy United Wheeljack (No, not that one.)

A Gaslands car. I’ve picked up the odd car on impulse, and its usually relaxing.

Possibly something on Super Robot Wars J, I’ve been playing it again recently.

The aftermath of Project Draftdodger.

Maybe some tactics articles, what the hell.

Or I could just pack it all in? Well, we’ll see.

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