Sunday 5 May 2024

Blog Status Update: So, why no Ork Codex article?

Eh, good question.

So, this post got started when an internet friend rightly called me out for not posting any Ork projects. I am, of course, currently working on Project Chem-Dogs, when I could be doing one of any number of Ork things. New Codex, new possibilities, and all that. Its a fair question to ask. Well, there's a number of reasons, and its not just because I'm working on a guard force, something which I've always kinda wanted to do. One aspect is simple budgeting, I'm trying to control my expenses, I’ve actually flogged stuff to fund my recent projects, and £35 RPP for a rulebook when I'm not actually playing just now? Its hard to justify, and I can probably wait a month or so.

More deeply, while I love my Orks, I don't feel I can take them further with my current skill level. I've done basically all the units I want to, at least twice, and I'm just not into Beast Snaggas, which is the only aspect of Orks I've not dabbled in. The new codex doesn't actually help with that. Its been massively well-received, and from a game design angle I can't fault it, but there's nowt to get my teeth into, and its possibly due a nerf in 12 weeks. There's no new modelling angle to explore, and I don't think I can add to the discourse*. On a related note, as part of their ongoing ForgeWorld cull, a number of my recent projects are no longer allowed in matched play, which is disappointing. Not that I play anyway, but I do like my models to be game legal, and nobody likes building a model only to have it invalidated by rules changes. Again.So, on balance, I've lost units and modelling options with the new codex. I don't recall using a monkey's paw. On the plus side though, I'm pretty confident that when I do eventually pick the codex up, I'll have a good time, and a Dreadmob is very much within my means.

Anyways, what does this mean going forward? Well, being an ork player is a state of mind as much as anything else, so I'm going to try to direct that energy into other projects. Orks will likely become an occasional feature of the blog, possibly as part of Gaslands and such. They will return in time for Orktober, and by then I will hopefully have a fresh angle and maybe some new skills.

So, less Orks now. More Orks once inspiration hits, and the dust has settled on the new rules.


* It does amuse me to see how the Adeptus Custodes codex released at the same time prompted fanboy tears because they weren't overpowered any more and now feature girls. SHOCK HORROR. I digress, but I wanted to mention that somewhere.

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