Sunday 24 January 2016

Youtube Highlights: He needs no sympathy

Well, its been another week, here's some more videos to while away your Sunday with...

Warner Bros. Pictures unleashed a new trailer for Suicide Squad, the third film in their DC cinematic universe and the most interesting by a country mile. One criticism of that universe is that it seems to be a humourless and depressing dirge of a franchise, this trailer however makes the film look like it has some sense of humour. Yes, the Joker is a hard sell, and fans can find understandable reasons for concern, but I actually went and brought the source material after this.

Unfortunately, this has also meant I've had Bohemian Rhapsody in my head for THREE CONSECUTIVE DAYS. Not helped by the fact I keep mixing up the original, the one from Wayne's World, and the one The Muppets did. Its awesome, BTW.

Warner Bros. did however do something to remind the world at large how corporate they are, cancelling support for Mortal Kombat X on the PC platform. AngryJoeShow has this to say:

Speaking of games, This Exists took a stab at explaining Dwarf Fortress. This is a game I want to try, but its so impenetrable it baffles me. Ever hear of Boatmurdered? It sounds insane.

The sequel to Terminator: Genesys, A.K.A the one which did really well in China only, was cancelled recently. While most people consider this a good thing, BanditIncorporated  made an impassioned defence in the form of a "Hitler Reacts" video. I don't agree with him, but he makes a good case.

And finally, because this is the internet and I am legally obligated to post cute kittens, here is a cute kittens video. Coming via Cole and Marmalade, here's a look at San Diego Humane Society’s Kitten Nursery.

Sorry for the mood whiplash, there.

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