Sunday 13 August 2023

Lego: Super Robot

Assuming that I've set this up right, this post will go live as I begin day 3 of TFNation. This will entail mild exhaustion, socialising, charity work, poor financial decisions, and, of course, the buffet breakfast.


As such, I decided to go for a lightweight article today, and something outside of my usual fare, as future weeks are gonna be a bit transformery or orky. So, what's the story here? Well, the shop where I work was marking down Lego, which obviously included today's subject matter. While I'm not hugely into Lego, my dabbling in the MyBuild notwithstanding, this attracted me for reasons that should be fairly obvious. Lego has done it's share of Mecha over the years, usually under a licenced IP or whatever Ninjago is doing this week, but when the shelf edge label refers to the box simply as "Super Robot", that got my attention. Otherwise referred to by the number 31124, this box is part of the "Lego Creator 3 in 1" imprint which seems to a setting agnostic bit of the brand. As a 3in1, you get three sets of instructions for different builds, in this case a jet and dragon, and while I didn't bother with those, I will say the jet would be quite appropriate as a Super Robot's vehicle mode.

As projects go, this was brief, but fun. I put it together in about an hour. The instructions present are big, colourful, and accessible. The Lego lads and laddettes clearly know their market, so things are always clear. As a point of interest, I was a little surprised to find that the robot is built 90 degrees from the ground, as it were. You'd think, or at least I thought, that the underside of the brick would flat against the ground, but instead the bricks are turned so the pegs face forward. Put another way, the details on the legs and body are built up, literally. There are no angled pieces. Possibly that was a cost and/or parts count decision, but I will give credit for creativity.

As a completed thing, the Super Robot is immensely charming, suggesting the designer knew their robots. The wings and colour choices suggest Mazinger Z, with nice use of detail pieces. The head is perhaps not on brief though, as its not got many pieces, and ends up with a bit of a Johnny-5 thing going on. This is however completely adorable, so no harm done. It also features 9 ball joints, so it poses OK, but you'd need to add knee joints yourself. 


I don't know if I'll do anything more with this, but he's just fine as is.

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