Sunday 15 November 2015

Youtube Highlights: Fallout 4 Clickbait Edition

Yes, yes, Fallout 4 is out. Its the biggest game of the year. Hugely well received. And a game I can't actually play, as I need to upgrade. <sigh> Anyway, here's a selection of Fallout themed videos that surfaced recently. Enjoy, and here be swearing and adult humour.

VideoGamerTV, did an informal, but still positive video review of the game. Unfortunately, the response to it was stereotypically negative from fans of the game. Mainly because the reviewers didn't like it enough. VGTV's response to this is worth investigating if you don't mind the swears, but I'm not gonna post it here.

Super Bunnyhop, didn't overly love the game, although did find positives to it. Check out his review for a slightly more measured response to this title.

Going old school, DidYouKnowGaming?, has done a video on the numerous Easter Eggs in the first game. Goes to show, if you can reference enough sources, you don't need to be original.

And finally, and with a nod to recent events in Paris, here's a video explaining why the world of Fallout is becoming less likely, from In a Nutshell.

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