Sunday 23 April 2023

Gaslands: Deathskull "Dakka Car"

When I was researching Team Sponsors in Gaslands, I of course found the design blog. I settled on Rutherford for my preferred Deathskull clan, but I resisted the temptation just to copy the article. I don’t game much these days, but I have certain baked-in creative habits, and very definite preconceptions of what an Ork vehicle is. Basically, rather than make something that is necessarily optimal for a Rutherford team, I’d have a vehicle that carried twice its weight in bullets. Hence, the “Dakka Car”.

This is gonna be a bit of a shorter article than most, as it features a single car, and I’ve used mostly the same techniques as my previous works. I’d got the hang of paint crew, painting blue, and painting rust. The main thing I did different was dump the entire toy in dettol to remove the paint, due to its riveted construction preventing a more through breakdown. Its actually a Hot Wheels Bone Shaker, a vehicle incredibly close to both the Mad Max and Ork aesthetics in the first place, and it survived the paint stripping process without issue. In fact, it worked so well that I tried the same with a pair of charity shops for another project, which didn’t nearly do as well. Assuming that the Bone Shaker is representative of other Hot Wheels toys, its valid technique assuming you the dry it out properly. For cheaper cars however, it seems the plastic parts they have are weakened and marked in same manner miniature bases can be. Just something to be aware of.


As noted, I didn’t do anything hugely new with this. I modded the skull to look more orky, cut off one set of exhausts to mount another gun, and added a bunch of Ramshackle Games bits. The crew ended up sitting a bit high, but it works.


I think that all I need to say, I’ll let the pictures do the talking.

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