See here for part 5.
I did manage to get a game in last week, although that was after my cut-off so I didn't talk about last time. Having had a few days since to process, I'll talk about the experience a bit now.
This was a 1000 point battle against Aelderi, and we were both new to our armies, although we played against each other a lot previously. I lost 70ish to 50ish, forgot to note the precise number, but a result I can live with. This was a learning experience all-round, and if I were to highlight the area where I made a bad call, it would likely be playing as the attacker, in addition to not getting ideal missions. My army list is also in need of further refinement, as my list wasn't that different from my typical index list. Now, the trick here is to not overreact to a single game. Or indeed two games, as I managed to work in another the evening before this post went live, and in that one I tabled my foe and felt very bad about doing so. Its too small a sample size, and in the absence of something clearly unambiguous, its too soon to tell. I would however make some small observations. First off, the Siege Regiment is a more involved affair than the Index, you need to think a turn or so ahead, but the stratagems and enhancements are worth using. Krieg Combat Engineers seem pretty good. They do similar objective/mission work to Catachans, but with an aggressive number of mortal wounds dispensed. They die easily, but what’s new? I’m not super impressed with Krieg Command Squads, at least in conjunction with big Krieg blobs. There’s still things I want to try, but I’m beginning to suspect the new Krieg units in general haven’t been “pushed” as it were. That’s good, it helps with internal balance, but I suspect the meta hasn’t settled yet. That might mean me reworking my infantry again, <sigh>, although I have built in some redundancy, so that shouldn’t be too annoying.
Tactical musings aside, this week was characterised by real life taking priority, and a subsequent desire to catch up with painting. I worked on the Krieg Commands, where upon I had what I'm choosing to call a happy accident. I failed a spot check, and I used dark green where I should have used dark grey. This was an easy fix, but I decided to leave it as-is on places like the Officers great coats. Its not massively out of place to have green military fatigues, so we shall just assume that these were "liberated", plus it helps models stand out versus the rank and file. Speaking of fuck-ups, I also worked on the quad guns. I opted to use the same green there, but in doing so I noticed some assembly mistakes that were a nuisance to correct. I just seem to have had a hard time in getting these together, although I’m glad I didn’t paint these in sub-assemblies. Yes, it would have made some things easier, but I think I would have lost my temper trying to glue these only to find that things didn’t fit.
I managed to get the Krieg Commands finished, while the quad guns (plus a few hangers-on) are a few steps behind. I’m not 100% happy with the Grognard style heads, the lenses don’t really stand out, but they are entirely tableworthy.
Up next: finishing the quad guns, and that battleline squad, but I think I’ll need to mix things up soon for variety’s sake.