This is gonna be a shorter update than usual. Partially because I was doing another unit of infantry, and partially because something went wrong.
I don’t have a huge amount to say about the infantry. I’ve done a lot lately. An odd thought stuck me though: painting and modelling a bunch of battleline infantry has given me a new perspective on the whole Super Prototype trope. You do inevitably simplify and streamline the process. Because, frankly, if you're doing a big number of something, fiddly bits that look good have severely diminishing returns. Thus this new Krieg blob is less impressive from a painting/modelling perspective, but they don't look worse for me omitting the hoses. They came out OK, and were much less of a slog than I feared. These are built to use the Death Korps of Krieg rules, and will probably see combat once I get around to playing a 2K game.
I would like to have talked about my new artillery teams today, but there was a problem. Certain bits were missing, to the point where one could not be assembled. This caught me on a bad day, and the seller is making it right, so I don't want to go off on one about it. I'll talk about them as actual models next week, by which time I'll be over the inconvenience and more pragmatic about the experience. As first impressions go though, its a little going to shake a man's hand, only to trip, fall, and headbutt him in the dick on the way down.
That wonderful image aside, these artillery units were intended to supplement or replace my existing indirect options by focusing on what is probably their most desirable weapon, the Siege Cannon. This splits the difference between an Earthshaker and a Lascannon, and should be a useful tool. Assuming the bits arrive soonish, I might be able to play test them in time for next week.
Cross your fingers.