Righty, lets get this going. The new Astra Militarum codex is
imminent. Its had more leaks than the UK national water supply, more
preview hype than the MCU on a good day, and more day 1 patches than a Bethesda game. I still don’t have it at time of writing. You can't even order it seperately yet; Eldar are instead the big thing for this weekend. And
even if I did, it seems quality control might not have been great
with this one. But fuck it, I'm done waiting. Thus begins Project Draftdodger, a diary
series that hopefully I will post about weekly.
A recent picture of my current force
making my Astra Militarum force codex compliant, the objective here
is twofold. First off, I want to make my own versions of those new
Krieg units while fitting my theme and budget. I've been making notes
and acquiring bits in the run-up for the codex, so those leaks have
been a big help. Secondly, I want to use this opportunity to finally
take my force to a comfortable 2000 points with a 300ish sideboard
for flexibility. Off the top if my head, I'm pretty much at 2000
already, but only flinging everything I've got on the board, which
isn’t quite the same as having a balanced force I like. As to which
detachment I'm using? Well Siege Regiment is the obvious one, but
I'll be trying a few out before settling on something. In terms of
plastic, I'm gonna be leaning on WGA's Death Fields line of scifi
infantry, which I've been stockpiling in anticipation. With all that
in mind, but with big gaps in my knowledge, I'm planning on the
following modelling projects.
Krieg battleline unit, plus oddments to round out existing units
I've found myself
wanting more infantry, so this seems a logical direction to go. As
the data sheet for these is unusually obtuse with respects to weapon
slots, I'm gonna play it safe here, assuming the most conservative
reading possible until some clarification is issued, and putting them
on the back burner. These will be Cannon Fodder ladies again, to fit in
with the rest.
One+ Krieg Command Squads
With the
demise of the Platoon Command Squad, I need to rebuild my HQ choices.
I plan to reshuffle the existing ones into the equivalent Catachan
units where possible, the path of least resistance, but I still need
something to lead the above, and that means banners and similar
greeblies. These will most likely be a mix of sprues, with the <deep
breath>, the Les Grognards Command and Heavy Support kit providing the
fiddly bits. The base size for these is however unknown at time of
writing, most likely 28.5mm but who bloody knows, so I’m holding
Two teams of Combat Engineers
The new hotness
as it were, these are a rough Scion/Kasrkyn equivalent, so Ive opted
to go for the Bulldogs again. I'm undecided at time of writing how
big the squads will be, so the leftovers might go onto be other
things. The main issue here will be producing the less conventional
weapons, although the bomb drone should be fun.
Krieg Heavy Weapons Squad
The other new hotness, this is the
main reason why I got that Grognards kit with the long name. Their
unique selling point, other than the spite attack, is probably their horrific flamers, which I feel
should be an easy kitbash. The second team is something less certain.
I probably don't need two burny units, I have plenty of lascannons,
and while the twin stubber option isn't great, there's this wonderful
quad gun ball turret on the sprue. The base size for these are also
unknown, which is annoying.
One small squad of Ratlings
While initially I was fond of the new killteam set, I kinda
went off it when I saw the 40k rules. As Ratlings fit my convict army
theme, I have however opted for a minimal size to try them out. These
will use WGA SneakFeet.
You may notice that
the above features no new vehicles. Like six Rogal Dorn tanks, for
example. This is because I feel infantry are the focus of the new
codex, and such models would be a fun thing to do if/when/inevitably
I get sick of doing infantry. If I get all this done, I’ll probably
have all the army dudesmen and/or women I’ll ever need for the
scale of game I tend to play. Because I got impatient, I’ve already
made a start on some of this. Like those Sergeants, but also the
Those aren’t quite finished yet, and I didn't want to rush them, so expect to see more of those in
part 2.
Cheers for now.